Monday, September 01, 2008
We're back
A fun but slightly wet tour of the country last week - Peterborough, York, Newcastle and Lancaster. Ubiquitous broadband and the iPhone make it much easier for anyone who's at all prone to work stress to check emails in a moment and get back to the holiday.

Unfortunately, Apple's 2.0.2 iPhone firmware update has subtly changed the way Safari interprets finger gestures. It used to be that a single tap would invoke a mousemove method, which is what we use to display our link overlays on the page. A second, separate tap would then invoke the click method. With the new firmware, the first tap itself does the click, so our links don't get displayed. Going to alter the iPhone presentation so that all links are visible by default.

Edit: belay that. My phone is now working the way it did before the update - most curious. Maybe rebooting the phone fixed it? Keep a keen eye on the 2.1 release when it arrives. The rules are available here.

There's also a bug to fix in the way our French renewal notices work, plus we have our organisation certificate ready to complete the Shibboleth configuration. After that: hosting.


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