Monday, September 20, 2004
OK, I think we've identified the problem. I'm trying to recreate it on xplus now.

If you submit a number of complex search queries quickly so that the pool resources all get used in the handling them the pool manager tries to extend the pool to cope. It can't grow fast enough or some internal resource fight occurs and the size of the pool goes up with 0 free. Each resource opens a full set of lucene indexes, which will eat memory very quickly.

Reproduction of this problem is very dull - I'm watching xplus do nothing, hoping eventually for a maintenance page. If it does reproduce the problem I'll set about solving it. First thing would be to find out why searchBySubject is taking so long.

Reindexing of rml3 vols continuing.

Modified index-merge code to back-port the speedup from 1.4. Will deploy onto the import server this afternoon, merge and then test the new search possibilities.

Also on the cards for today: number generator for back-of-book account vouchers.

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