Monday, July 26, 2004
Performed a test import of Phil's census data late on Friday afternoon, so he can get a view of how it's coming together. Need to add display code for dtable keys today.
The maintenance mailer has earned its keep over the weekend - about 250 maintenance pages were served, with about 240 of them down to a check on the entry page to find out what kind of browser the client's using (we change spacing between some elements depending on mac/ie presentation). This check failed with a NullPointerException if there was no user-agent header supplied from the browser, and I'd guess some firewalls are stripping it off. Anyway, that's now fixed.
About five maints were caused by subject layout code on the no_page.jsp - if the user wasn't logged in then there were no subjects to display and we generated another NullPointerException.
Remaining errors are down to a bug in the RML3 parser (ie the one for older books). The cause was an assumption that entry bodies will contain at least one space - obviously not true in some cases! The error was generated on the letter-browse page.
The page-based errors are fixed now and I'll do a one-off Monday page update to put them live. The RML parse error I'll fix today and put up with tomorrow's early jar update.