Thursday, July 22, 2004
Frickin blogger just got confused and lost my post. AAAARGGGH.
Anyway, yesterday was mainly dtables. Added support for local/global keys to dtables and dtcols, changing the db and the import process. Need to add display support for them.
Tracked down an obscure problem with the admin system, which was refusing to add an IP range. The range was allocated to a long-deleted member. We no longer delete members so it's not going to be a recurrent problem.
Claire forwarded on a post from a client who's been having problems logging in:
...tried to access xreferplus last night at around 7.30pm to demonstrate it to a meeting of councillors and important council people.
I have only just set up IP access today, so he was using his remote access log in ( He said he tried to access around 15 times in this way, and each time got a message saying that the site was undergoing maintenance. He is deeply disappointed at our service, and also embarrassed by the position that it put him in.
I have occasionally seen this page come up before when I have been doing training sessions and a large number of people are trying to access the same page or the Research Mapper at the same time.
Hmm, that's not very good. Tried to track it down last night but couldn't make much sense of the logs. There are two successful logins on that account at around 2:30pm and I can see the request for the login page at 7:30pm. More investigations today.
The box which served the 7:30 request was our trial tomcat server, but I've tried the same login on that machine and it worked fine for me.
Matt's looking for a way to get Tomcat to send us a stack trace whenever it serves a maintenance page.