Tuesday, July 06, 2004
Blogger, welcome back. It's surprised me to realize how much I've come to rely on this form of note-taking. Without it I do things and cross them off in Tammy, but nothing matches the good solid feel of writing it up for future reference. A4? Nah. So, where were we?

July release (aldgate) is making its way across the cluster update. Lucene classes rolled back to 1.2 for this release, will aim to upgrade to 1.4 next month but it's got to be faster than it is right now.

Did-you-mean API is in there and the renamed db-table is up the live servers too. JSP edits can make that available to testers over the next month.

Fixed the caching problem with the all-books page which caused removed books to linger. We were indeed refreshing the subject list every five minutes but the books-in-subjects lists were never reviewed. They now get refreshed on the same schedule. Change will go live with today's page update.

On to the G integration.

Current plan is to add a new "partners" table with many-to-one links from client to partner. First partner will be xrefer, second will be G.

We will acquire a new member type (partner), which will be the member you get logged in as when you arrive via the login_partner page.

Login process to use shared-secrets and MD5 as G are reluctant to rely on referring urls (firewall issues). Will have to ask them to supply their partner id as well (unless we rely on the fact they're the only ones using the page).

With all that in mind, the plan is:

1. Verify terminology with Carl before it gets immortalised in shiny java.
2. Setup new db structures.
3. Add new member type.
4. Create test G account.
5. Create login API and jsp
6. Test logins
7. Modify admin system to allow selection of partner (and auto-create partner member for that acct).

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