Tuesday, March 30, 2004
Back to the atlas. The overview map seemed wildly inaccurate as a navigation tool, which made it fairly useless. Stared at it for a while and realized that it's not actually a Mercator projection at all - the poles aren't stretched enough vertically. Tried a straight linear projection (multiplying both lon and lat by a constant) and that fits much better. We link each atlas (ie collection of tiles) to its own projection- when we've got more maps in then it'll use the database, but while we've only got two we're using a direct lookup for speed. There's a projection factory so it's all in one place.

Also improved consistency in TargetIndicator where it was using image sizes from both the database and the image itself. Now we're using database coordinates for everything.

Next things: make sure the rhumb lines are wrapping correctly and tidy up behaviour around the date line.

Index vacuum still running on w1 so I can't update the live jar yet.

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