Tuesday, February 24, 2004
Image manipulation was taking a very long time on goring and disrupting an import which was running alongside. Now stopped.

Combination of the panels before slicing into tiles turned out to be impractical - the files get unmanageably large very quickly.

Taken alternate approach and adapted Geoff's image slicer so that it takes the mosaic of panels into account when creating tiles, placing boundaries where appropriate and iterating through the panels. You end up with lots of files called tile_rxc.png where r=row and c=col. For tiles which are split between panels, we create multiple files with markers in the filename to indicate which bit of the tile is in each file (eg tile_2x8lt.png is the top-left corner of row 2 col 8). Will stick these together appropriately once processing is complete.

Running the code on our best spare machine, the new office db server. It's not yet getting used for the database. Has 2 xeon processors, so running 4 copies of the script in parallel, each working on a different row of panels. Much faster than goring! Will have to go back and process the rest of row 1 once one of the other processes has finished.

Re-ran the tile generator app to populate the database with our complete set of tile details.

Hooked up a symbolic link under mediatest so that the atlas test page has access to the growing collection of tiles. Found a couple of islands in the pacific so far, so the coordinate system is at least roughly working.


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